Kindly requesting not to implement forced repatriation on Oromo nationals who were denied protection
Kindly requesting not to implement forced repatriation on Oromo nationals who were denied protection
- signatures: 290
- signature goal: 1,000
- Target: His Excellency Mr. Jens Stoltenberg Prime Minister of Norway
- Sponsored by: Oromo Action Group
The agreement (memorandum of understanding) signed between the Kingdom of Norway and the dictatorial government of Ethiopia on the 26th of January 2012 provides ground for involuntary repatriation of Oromo nationals who were denied protection or asylum in Norway.
Given the records of human rights abuses of the Ethiopian government and its harsh treatments of Oromo activists, we are strongly concerned for the safety and well-being of these asylum seekers especially in view of the fact that Oromo nationals who were forcefully deported from the neighboring countries in the past have been mistreated, imprisoned, tortured, disappeared, sentenced to death and some executed.
We have no doubt that if Oromo nationals who were denied protection or asylum in Norway (and who have been actively participated in Oromo affaires in Norway as member of Oromo Community, taking part in fundraisings and meetings in support of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and staging demonstrations against Meles ... more
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