Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Abused Terms of 'JUSTICE', 'FREEDOM' and 'DEMOCRACY' (OLF InfoDesk)

The Abused Terms of 'JUSTICE', 'FREEDOM' and 'DEMOCRACY'

(OLF Infodesk)

The Abused Terms of 'JUSTICE', 'FREEDOM' and 'DEMOCRACY'

Afaan Oromon dubbisuuf as tuqi

Click here to read in AMharic

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"The 'G7' Betrayal at Kelly Inn" (Special report @

"The 'G7' Betrayal at Kelly Inn"

Gadaa.comA group of no more than seven individuals (Group-7 or 'G7'), known as the BG Kemal Gelchu's Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), are accused of betraying the Kaayyoo (The Objectives) of the Oromo national liberation struggle at a meeting convened at Kelly Inn in St. Paul, MN, on January 1, 2012. According to media reports, most leaders and members of the previous larger faction, OLF-Change/Jijirama, had broken ranks with Kemal Gelchu's OLF in the weeks and months leading up to the January 1 meeting, as well as during and immediately after the meeting.

This page chronicles the incident, which has become to be known as "The 'G7' Betrayal at Kelly Inn" in some Oromo discussion forums, and its aftermath.

For more details, visit website

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Press Release: Detention and Mistreatment can never stop our struggle (National YOuth Movement of Qeerroo)

Press Release:
Detention and Mistreatment can never
stop our struggle
National Youth Movement of Qeerroo

January 3, 2012

Due to 20 years of continued repression and brutality of the EPRDF government on the Oromo and other nations in Ethiopia, the National Youth Movement of Qeerroo was formed in April 2011 and was trying to air loudly the voice of the Ethiopian people in general and the Oromo people in particular. The last two decades have naked the cheap behavior of the dictator government of Ethiopia that it is not ready for any peaceful dialogue and its inability to listen to the voice of the people.

Click here to read the press release

Monday, January 02, 2012

The Loser Splinter Group Can't Represent The OLF (OLF InfoDesk Press Release)

The Loser Splinter Group Can't Represent The OLF

OLF InfoDesk Press Release

(Download and Read the Amharic Version of OLF InfoDesk's Press Release)